This week the administration continued to be at the receiving end of the Standing Committee Chairman and member’s ire only the issue was different. Members expressed dissatisfaction over the pathetic and highly unhygienic conditions of public toilets in the city due to lack of maintenance. Standing Committee Chairman Sandeep Naik said that every time the issue of toilets, members have stressed on spending funds on maintenance as Crores was being spent in making the public toilets. Dissatisfied over the administration’s performance, Standing Committee Chairman Sandeep Naik said that may be the corporation needed another Commissioner who’ll work since the present civic chief is only making announcements. Earlier during the meet Digha corporators Aparna Gavte had brought photographs of a public toilet in her ward that had is miserable conditions just a year after the inauguration because of lack of maintenance. Recalling that corporators had been to the inauguration, Chairman Sandeep Naik said that the photographs exposed poor quality of work by contractors.
The Chairman said that may be its time that the administration got officers who will execute the aims and objectives of public work. He said that the administration officials should not wait for corporators to visit wards but ensure that end citizens get the benefits of civic work. Raising a very significant concern, Chairman Sandeep Naik said that in slums and gaonthan area, due to the unhygienic conditions prevailing in toilets many poor loose their lives not even knowing the cause of it.
Speaking to us later, the Chairman reiterated the concerns and the instructions he had given the administration. We also asked the Chairman that he has always taken the case of administration over non-performance but with little results. The Chairman said that they plan to order enquiries into dept. soon if the negligent attitude of officials continues.
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